Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario

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February 16, 2025

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New Riders

Do you have a child enrolled to start school in in September? Is your child riding the bus for the first time?
Look no further!

STSCO’s New Rider webpage will provide information on how to use STSCO’s online Parent Portal to look up bus information and make transportation requests, such as, requests for transportation to/from sitter/daycare. If your home address is Out of Boundary, you can submit a request to be considered for an available seat on a bus, if space allows, for an ineligible rider.

How do I register or Opt-In my eligible child for busing?

If your child is eligible and will be using transportation next school year, please click the button below to read more about the Opt-In process:

How do I check my child's busing information?

To access our Parent Portal, you will need to follow these steps:

1) Create a new account using the Email Address you gave the school when you registered your child.

2) Verify Email Address (verification email will be sent to the email address used to create account)

3) Log in and view your child's tentative bus information for the upcoming school year, available after August 1st each year.

Click this link to begin: Parent Portal

Important Information:

If you create an account and do not see your child's information, contact your child's school when it opens, to verify and/or change the email address you provided when registering your child. Please allow 48 hours for STSCO to recieve the update.

If you would like to make a request, please call STSCO at 705-748-5500. Our office is open from Monday through Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm.

Please also visit our FAQ page for other important information.

How do I submit a request for transportation to/from a daycare/sitter?

You will need the daycare address, daycare contact name and daycare contact phone number prior to submission.

Requests are due by May 30th each year.

Click this link to begin: Parent Portal

Once Logged in, go to the Parent dropdown, Online Forms and Requests, then select Alternate Address (Daycare/Sitter) Request.

Please Note: Transportation Information for the upcoming school year is available AFTER August 1st.

How do I submit an Out of Boundary Request?

Requests are due by May 30th each year.

Click this link to begin: Parent Portal

Once Logged in, go to the Parent dropdown, Online Forms and Requests, then select Out of Boundary Transportation Request.

Please Note: Transportation Information for the upcoming school year is available AFTER August 1st.

Annual STSCO First Rider

Will your children be riding a school bus for the first time this September?
Families of New JK Students: Please Plan to Attend our Annual First Rider Program The First Rider program is offered by Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario (STSCO) and local school bus operators.

Who can meet my child at the bus?

If your child is in JK - Grade 3, they must be met by a parent and/or guardian at the bus stop. If a parent and/or guardian is not available, please have another adult (i.e., Grandma, neighbour) introduce themselves to the driver and specify which child they are meeting. If there is any concern the driver will have dispatch call the parent/guardian to confirm before letting the child off of the bus. If an adult is not present to meet the child, the driver will keep the child on the bus until they are able to contact their parent and/or guardian for alternative arrangements.

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