Student Transportation Services of Central Ontario

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February 16, 2025

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Letter to Parents : STSCO Opt-In for Transportation – New for 2025-2026 School Year

2025-2026 School Year Opt-In for Transportation

Click the questions below to learn how to Opt-In to Transportation:

⮞ How do I Opt-In for home to school transportation?

Once logged into your parent portal account, under the Parent dropdown menu select ONLINE FORMS & REQUESTS and then select the Opt-In form. An Opt-In form must be completed for each student. Instructions on the Parent Portal can be found below or here.

⮞ What if my child is using a daycare or babysitter?

To request transportation from an alternate address for the purpose of before and/or after school care, please check if the alternate address is eligible for transportation, using Can I Ride a Bus?

If eligible, log into your parent portal account, under the Parent dropdown menu select ONLINE FORMS & REQUESTS and then select the Opt-In form. An Opt-In form must be completed for each student. Instructions on the Parent Portal can be found here.

⮞ How do I request specialized transportation for my child with special needs?

If your child requires specialized transportation for a special needs program, medical condition, or disability, you are not required to Opt-In online. Please speak to the school Principal or Special Education teacher.

⮞ What if my child has two (2) homes due to joint custody living arrangements?

Please contact your child’s school(s) to complete STSCO's Joint Custody Request Form. You are not required to Opt-In online. Please be aware that both addresses must be eligible for transportation and not all requests can be accommodated.

⮞ What if my child is not eligible for transportation?

Opt-In is only to be used when requesting school busing from within your schools boundary using your home address.

If your child is attending a school where their address is outside their school boundary, please submit an Out of Boundary Transportation Request. Students located outside their school’s boundary and not in the walk zone, may request transportation.


If this is your first time using the Parent Portal and you have not yet created an account:

Please begin by clicking “Create Account” on the Parent Portal Log In page.

Using the parent/guardian email address the school has on record, fill in the fields provided and click “Submit.”

A confirmation link will be sent to the email address provided. You must click on the Confirm Email link in the body of the email before your account will be activated. If you do not receive the link in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

After you click the Confirm Email link you will be re-directed to the Log In page where you can proceed with signing into your newly created Parent Portal account.


If you have previously set up your Parent Portal account, please sign into your account.

The Parent Portal starts on the My Students page. This page shows student information for the current year, such as the name, school, grade, eligibility and, if eligible, transportation information.

If you have multiple students, you can switch between student records by selecting the student’s name in the Select Student dropdown menu.

When using a computer, phone, or tablet, click on the Online Forms and Requests link under My Students, or the Online Forms and Requests icon at the bottom beside My Subsciptions.

On the Online Forms and Requests page, select the name of the student that you would like to opt in for from the dropdown menu and click on the form you wish to complete.

Once you successfully submit a form you will see confirmation of your submission and receive an email.

To submit another form for a different student, click Back to Forms to return to the Online Forms and Requests page and select the new student from the dropdown menu. Then choose the form you wish to complete for that student.


1. If you have forgotten your password

Please click Forgot Password on the Parent Portal Log In page.

Enter your email address in the field provided and click Reset Password.

You will receive an email to reset the password, please click the link in the email to reset the password. If you do not receive the link in your inbox, please check your spam folder or search

Password reset links expire in 24 hours.

2. The Parent Portal does not show all your children in the My Student dropdown menu.

To select a student who does not attend one of our schools this school year, please use the dropdown menu on the lower portion of the webpage and change the School Year to Next Year 2024-2025 to be able to see your child who is newly registered for September 2024. For Example any Junior Kindergarteners or students moving into the area.

After changing the School Year, if they do not immediately appear in the My Student dropdown menu, you may need to refresh the webpage or sign out and back into your account.

If you still do not see all your children, please contact their school(s) to ensure all children have the same email address on record for you. If the school updates your email address, please wait 72 hours for STSCO systems to update, and then log back into your parent portal account and all students will now be in the My Students dropdown .

3. The Opt-In form does not show the correct information for my children.

If the Opt-In form does not reflect the correct school, grade, or program that the student is enrolled in (i.e. Integrated Arts, French Immersion etc.) check the box beside “Changing School/Grade/Program” and a dropdown menu will open where you can select the correct school, grade, or program that the student is enrolled for.
Once selected, it should then display the correct eligibility information and allow you to continue with the submission.

4. The Opt-In form does not show the correct address for my children.

If the Opt-In form does not reflect the correct address for the student, please contact the school to update the student address. Wait 72 hours for STSCO systems to update and then log back into your parent portal to proceed with the submission.

If the school is closed for the summer, preventing you from updating the address, you can modify the address on the Opt-In form to proceed with the submission. Please check the box beside “Change Home Address” and new fields will open where you can enter the new address.

You must still contact the school(s) to update your address and validate the request.

Please note: If your child requires specialized transportation for a special needs program, medical condition, or disability, you are not required to Opt-In.
Please speak to the school Principal or Special Education teacher.

Important Timelines

  • March to end of May - Parents must submit Opt-In for Home to School Transportation
  • Early August - Bus information for September will be available in the Parent Portal
  • Early October - Bus Stop Change Requests that have been submitted to STSCO will now be considered.
  • To find out if you are eligible to ride a to ride a bus, click the link below:

    Check here Can I Ride a Bus?

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